Setup Instructions

We will do all the exercises on ``. If you do not have an account on ``, please sign up, either in advance of the course or first thing in the morning. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete the sign up process and about 30 minutes to get your account activated. If you have an account on ` but forgot the password, [click here]( Please make sure that you have the secured shell available on your laptop, before the start of your workshop.

Secured Shell and Secured Copy

ssh (secure shell) is an encrypted remote login tool. It lets you connect to remote resources, such as the `` node and interact with the machine via UNIX shell. Similarly, scp (secure copy) is a tool that facilitates encrypted file transfer. We will use both to interact with ``.


Install PuTTY which is a free implementation of SSH for Windows.

Mac and Linux

Most of Mac and Linux systems come with the pre-installed ssh and scp commands, if not, install them.

Check your setup

To check your account on `` using web shell:

  • Once you finished your Sign Up, the account activation may take about 30 minutes.
  • open WebShell
  • type in your username and password as prompted
  • if everthing is fine you will land on your home directory