The Open Science Grid (OSG) is a consortium of research communities who promote science via sharing of computing resources. The Open Science Grid (OSG):
The resources accessible through the OSG are contributed by the community, organized by the OSG, and governed by the OSG Consortium. The cores that are free in the OSG shared pool are made available to users. Opportunistic resources available at any given time will vary depending on usage by resource owners.
High throughput workflows with simple system and data dependencies are a good fit for Duke CI Connect. Typically these workflows can be decomposed into multiple tasks that can be carried out independently. Ideally, these tasks will download data for input, run some computation on it and then return results (which may be used by future tasks).
Jobs submitted into Duke CI Connect will be executed on machines at several remote physical clusters. These machines may differ in terms of computing environment from the submit node. Therefore it is important that the jobs are as self-contained as possible by generic binaries and data that can be either carried with the job, or staged on demand. Please consider the following guidelines:
The following are examples of computations that are NOT good matches for Duke CI Connect:
Commonly used software and libraries on the Open Science Grid are available in a
central repository (known as OASIS) and accessed via the module
command. We will see how to
search for, load, and use software packages, whether on the submit node (
) or on the OSG grid.
We will also cover the usage of the built-in tutorial
command. Using tutorial
we load a variety of job templates that cover basic usage, specific use cases, and best practices.
Log in to Duke CI Connect
$ ssh
The first step in using the module
command is to initialize the module system. This
step consists of sourcing a shell specific file that adds the module command
to your environment. For example, initializing module for bash is done as follows:
$ source /cvmfs/
For other shells such as sh
, zsh
, tcsh
, csh
, etc., you would replace bash with the shell name (e.g. zsh
Note that this step is not always necessary as there are many OSG sites where the module system is initialized automatically. However, it is a good idea to always include this step in your job if it requires modules.
Once the distributed environment modules system is initialized, you can check the available modules:
$ module avail
--------------------------------- /cvmfs/ ---------------------------------
MUMmer3.23/3.23 eemt/0.1 java/7u71 proot/2014
OpenBUGS/3.2.3 elastix/2015 java/8u25 (D) protobuf/2.5
OpenBUGS-3.2.3/3.2.3 espresso/5.1 jpeg/6b psi4/0.3.74
R/3.1.1 (D) espresso/5.2 (D) jpeg/9a (D) python/2.7 (D)
R/3.2.0 ete2/2.3.8 lammps/2.0 python/3.4
R/3.2.1 expat/2.1.0 lapack/3.5.0 qhull/2012.1
R/3.2.2 ffmpeg/0.10.15 libgfortran/4.4.7 root/5.34-32
SitePackage ffmpeg/2.5.2 (D) libtiff/4.0.4 rosetta/2015
SparseSuite/4.2.1 fftw/3.3.4-gromacs lmod/5.6.2 ruby/2.1
ant/1.9.4 fftw/3.3.4 (D) madgraph/2.1.2 saga/2.2.0
apr/1.5.1 fiji/2.0 madgraph/2.2.2 (D) samtools/0.1.17
aprutil/1.5.3 fpc/2.6.4 matlab/2013b scons/2.3.4
arc-lite/2015 freesurfer/5.3.0 matlab/2014a sdpa/7.3.8
atlas/3.10.1 freetype/2.5.5 matlab/2014b serf/1.37
atlas/3.10.2 (D) fsl/5.0.8 matlab/2015a settarg/5.6.2
autodock/4.2.6 gamess/2013 matlab/2015b (D) shelx/2015
bedtools/2.21 gcc/4.6.2 mercurial/1.9.1 shrimp/2.2.3
blasr/1.3.1 gcc/4.6.4 mixmodlib/3.1 siesta/3.2
blast gcc/4.8.1 mpc/1.0.3 sqlite/
blender gcc/4.9.2 (D) mpfr/3.1.3 sra/2.5.4
boost/1.50.0 gdal/2.0.0 mplayer/1.1 stashcp/1.0.0
boost/1.56 geant4/9.4p02 mrbayes/3.2.2 stashcp/2.2
boost/1.57.0 (D) geos/3.4.2 muscle/3.8.31 stashcp/2.5 (D)
bowtie/2.2.3 git/1.9.0 mysql/5.1.73 subversion/1.8.10
bwa/2014 glpk/4.54 namd/2.9 sundials/2.5
canopy/1.4.1 gmp/6.0.0 namd/2.10.cuda swift/0.94.1
casino/2.13.211 gnome_libs/1.0 namd/2.10 (D) swift/0.96.2 (D)
ccp4/2015 gnuplot/4.6.5 nco/4.3.0 tcl/8.6.2
cctools/4.4.2 graphviz/2.38.0 netcdf/4.2.0 tophat/2.0.13
cctools/5.2.3 (D) grass/6.4.4 octave/3.8.1 uclust/2.22
cdo/1.6.4 gromacs/4.6.5 openbabel/2.3.2 udunits/2.2.17
clhep/ gromacs/5.0.0 (D) opencv/2.4.10 unixodbc/2.3.2
clhep/ (D) gromacs/5.0.5.cuda papi/5.3.2 valgrind/3.10
cmake/3.0.1 gromacs/5.0.5 pbsuite/14.9.9 vmd/1.9.1
connect-client/0.2.1 gsl/1.16 pcre/8.35 wget/1.15
connect-client/0.3.0 hdf5/1.8.9 pegasus/4.4.2-image_tools wxgtk/3.0.2
connect-client/0.4.0 (D) hdf5/1.8.12 phenix/1.10 xrootd/4.1.1
cp2k/2.5.1 hdf5/1.8.13 (D) poppler/0.24.1 (D) xrootd/4.2.1 (D)
cufflinks/2.2.1 hmmer/3.1 poppler/0.32 zlib/1.2.8
curl/7.37.1 intelMKL/ povray/3.7
ectools jasper/1.900.1 proj/4.9.1
(D): Default Module
Use "module spider" to find all possible modules.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".
In order to load a module, you need to run module load [modulename]
. Say for
example you want to load R package,
$ module load R
This loads the default R package for you. If the package you want has multiple versions, you should give the version when loading the module as follows:
$ module load R/3.1.1
Now you can do some test calculations with R.
$ R
> cos(45)
[1] 0.525322
Note that some modules may depend on other modules. Gromacs is an example of
one such module. If you load it, the module
command will automatically load the modules on which gromacs depends:
$ module load gromacs
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) fftw/3.3.4-gromacs 2) atlas/3.10.2 3) libgfortran/4.4.7 4) lapack/3.5.0 5) gromacs/5.0.0
The module
command will helpfully load the required modules, or let you know which modules are needed. In
this case, you need the fftw/3.3.4-gromacs
, atlas
, libgfortran
, and lapack
modules in
order to load gromacs
. So they have been conveniently loaded for you. Alternatively, you can load the required modules yourself first before loading gromacs:
$ module load fftw/3.3.4-gromacs atlas lapack
$ module load gromacs
$ mdrun --version
GROMACS: gmx mdrun, VERSION 5.0
The module
command also lets you view the currently loaded modules using
module list
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) fftw/3.3.4-gromacs 2) atlas/3.10.2 3) libgfortran/4.4.7 4) lapack/3.5.0 5) gromacs/5.0.0
Finally, if you want to unload a module, type:
$ module unload gromacs
- Load the
application and runwget --version
- Load the
application and runoctave --version
The built-in tutorial
command assists a user in getting started on
OSG. To see the list of existing tutorials, type
$ tutorial
usage: tutorial list - show available tutorials
tutorial info <tutorial-name> - show details of a tutorial
tutorial <tutorial-name> - set up a tutorial
Currently available tutorials:
AutoDockVina ............... Ligand-Receptor docking with AutoDock Vina
R .......................... Estimate Pi using the R programming language
R-addlibSNA ................ Add-on external R library - sna example
ScalingUp-R ................ Scaling up compute resources - R example
blast ...................... blast sequence analysis
cp2k ....................... How-to for the electronic structure package CP2K
dagman-namd ................ Launch a series of NAMD simulations via an HTCondor DAG
error101 ................... Use condor_q -better-analyze to analyze stuck jobs
exitcode ................... Use HTCondor's periodic_release to retry failed jobs
gromacs .................... Molecular dynamics using GROMACS
htcondor-transfer .......... Transfer data via HTCondor's own mechanisms
matlab-HelloWorld .......... Creating standalone MATLAB application - Hello World
matlab-RandomMatrix ........ Creating standalone MATLAB application - Random Matrix and Wigner Distribution
matlab-ResonanceODE ........ Creating standalone MATLAB application - Ordinary Differential Equations
matlab-SimulatedAnnealing .. Creating standalone MATLAB application - Optimization Tool box
namd ....................... Run a molecular dynamics simulation using NAMD
nelle-nemo ................. Running Nelle Nemo's goostats on the grid
oasis-parrot ............... Software access with OASIS and Parrot
octave ..................... Matrix manipulation via the Octave programming language
pegasus .................... An introduction to the Pegasus job workflow manager
pegasus-blast .............. BLAST search on large data set using Pegasus
pegasus-namd ............... Pegasus workflow to run large scale simulations - NAMD examples
pegasus-vina ............... Pegasus workflow for docking set of ligands on a give receptor with vina program
photodemo .................. A complete analysis workflow using HTTP transfer
quickstart ................. How to run your first OSG job
root ....................... Inspect ntuples using the ROOT analysis framework
scaling .................... Learn to steer jobs to particular resources
scaling-up-resources ....... A simple multi-job demonstration
software ................... Software access tutorial
stash-chirp ................ Use the chirp I/O protocol for remote data access
stash-http ................. Retrieve job input files from Stash via HTTP
stash-namd ................. Provide input files for NAMD via Stash's HTTP interface
swift ...................... Introduction to the SWIFT parallel scripting language
Enter "tutorial name-of-tutorial" to clone and try out a tutorial.
Each of these rows above is a tutorial that you can work through on your
own, after the workshop. We add new tutorials from time to time, as well.
Each tutorial has a
file within that gives teaching material
on what the tutorial is trying to illustrate, and you can read them online
at the OSG Helpdesk.
Note the word clone in that last line of output. There's no mistake
that it's the same term as we used for copying a git repository. Each
tutorial is version-controlled, and actually resides on GitHub. When
you use the tutorial
command you're getting content from there.
Say for example, you are interested in learning how to run R scripts on OSG, the tutorial command sets up the R tutorial for you.
$ tutorial R # prints the following message:
Installing R (master)...
Tutorial files installed in ./tutorial-R.
Running setup in ./tutorial-R...
The tutorial R
command creates a directory tutorial-R
containing the neccessary script and input files.
$ cd tutorial-R
$ ls
mciP.R # The example R script file # The tutorial README file (with instructions and explanation of the material)
R.submit # The job submission file (will discuss later in the lesson HTCondor scripts) # The job execution file
Let's focus on mciP.R
and the
scripts. The details of R.submit
will be discussed later when we learn HTCondor scripts.
The file mciP.R
is a R script that calculates the value of pi using the Monte Carlo
method. The
essentially loads the R module and runs the mciP.R
$ cat
if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ]; then
echo "Usage: file.R"
exit 1
source /cvmfs/
module load R
Rscript $1
Similar to the R tutorial, there are other tutorials available on OSG. The available tutorials serve as templates to develop your own scripts and run the calculations on OSG.
Feel free to contact the OSG User Support team at:
command gives access to software located in the OASIS systemtutorial
provides access existing tutorials for using various aspects of Duke CI Connect.