Software Resources on OSG


  • Learn what software resources are available on the OSG and how to access them from compute jobs.

Available Resources on OSG

Commonly used software and libraries on the Open Science Grid are available in a central repository (known as OASIS) and accessed via the module command. We will see how to search for, load, and use software packages, whether on the submit node ( or on the OSG grid.

We will also cover the usage of the built-in tutorial command. Using tutorial, we load a variety of job templates that cover basic usage, specific use cases, and best practices.

Software Applications

Log in to OSG Connect

$ ssh

The first step in using the module command is to initialize the module system. This step consists of sourcing a shell specific file that adds the module command to your environment. For example, initializing module for bash is done as follows:

$ source /cvmfs/

For other shells such as sh, zsh, tcsh, csh, etc., you would replace bash with the shell name (e.g. zsh).

Once the distributed environment modules system is initialized, you can check the available modules:

$ module avail
------------------------------------- /cvmfs/ ---------------------------
   R/3.1.1                  casino/2.13.211           gromacs/4.6.5          muscle/3.8.31          sdpa/7.3.8
   SitePackage              cdo/1.6.4                 gromacs/5.0.0   (D)    namd/2.9               serf/1.37
   SparseSuite/4.2.1        cmake/3.0.1               hdf5/1.8.9             nco/4.3.0              settarg/5.6.2
   ant/1.9.4                cp2k/2.5.1                hdf5/1.8.12            netcdf/4.2.0           shrimp/2.2.3
   apr/1.5.1                curl/7.37.1               hdf5/1.8.13     (D)    octave/3.8.1           siesta/3.2
   apr-util/1.5.3           ectools                   hmmer/3.1              openbabel/2.3.2        subversion/1.8.10
   aprutil/1.5.3            espresso/5.1              java/7u71              papi/5.3.2             sundials/2.5
   atlas                    expat/2.1.0               java/8u25       (D)    pbsuite/14.9.9         swift/0.94.1
   autodock/4.2.6           fftw/3.3.4-gromacs        jpeg                   pcre/8.35              tcl/8.6.2
   bedtools/2.21            fftw/3.3.4         (D)    lammps/2.0             proot/2014             uclust/2.22
   blasr/1.3.1              fpc/2.6.4                 lapack                 protobuf/2.5           udunits/2.2.17
   blast                    gamess/2013               lmod/5.6.2             python/2.7      (D)    valgrind/3.10
   blender                  gcc/4.6.2                 madgraph/2.1.2         python/3.4             vmd/1.9.1
   boost/1.50.0             geos/3.4.2                matlab/2013b           qhull/2012.1           wget/1.15
   boost/1.56        (D)    git/1.9.0                 matlab/2014a    (D)    root/5.34-21
   bowtie/2.2.3             glpk/4.54                 mercurial/1.9.1        ruby/2.1
   bwa/2014                 gnuplot/4.6.5             mplayer/1.1            samtools/0.1.17
   canopy/1.4.1             graphviz/2.38.0           mrbayes/3.2.2          scons/2.3.4

   (D):  Default Module

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".

In order to load a module, you need to run module load [modulename]. Say for example you want to load R package,

$ module load R 

This loads the default R package for you. If the package you want has multiple versions, you should give the version when loading the module as follows:

$ module load R/3.1.1

Now you can do some test calculations with R.

$ R 

> cos(45)  
[1] 0.525322

Note that some modules may depend on other modules. Gromacs is an example of one such module. If you try to load it, the module command will give you an error indicating this:

$ module load gromacs

Lmod has detected the following error: Cannot load module "gromacs/5.0.0"
without these modules loaded:
  fftw/3.3.4-gromacs, atlas, lapack

  While processing the following module(s):

  Module fullname  Module Filename
  ---------------  ---------------

The module command will helpfully let you know which modules are needed. In this case, you’ll need the fftw/3.3.4-gromacs, atlas, and lapack modules in order to load gromacs. So you’ll need to load them first:

$ module load fftw/3.3.4-gromacs atlas lapack
$ module load gromacs
$ mdrun --version
GROMACS:    gmx mdrun, VERSION 5.0

The module command also lets you view the currently loaded modules using module list:

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) fftw/3.3.4-gromacs   2) atlas   3) lapack   4) gromacs/5.0.0

Finally, if you want to unload a module, type:

$ module unload R 


  • Load the wget application and run wget --version
  • Load the octave application and run octave --version

Tutorial Command

The built-in tutorial command assists a user in getting started on OSG. To see the list of existing tutorials, type

$ tutorial # will print a list tutorials

Say for example, you are interested in learning how to run R scripts on OSG, the tutorial command sets up the R tutorial for you.

$ tutorial R  # prints the following message:

Application Example - R (statistical analysis)

This tutorial will introduce you to using the R statistical programming
language on OSG Connect. By the end of the tutorial:

   * You will have set up R from the OSG OASIS service on the submit host
   * You will know how to use the HAS_CVMFS_oasis_opensciencegrid_org job steering requirement. 

Tutorial 'R' is set up.  To begin:
     cd tutorial-R

The tutorial R command creates a directory tutorial-R containing the neccessary script and input files.

$ ls 
mciP.R       # The example R script file # The job execution file 
R.submit     # The job submission file (will discuss later in the lesson HTCondor scripts)

Let’s focus on mciP.R and the scripts. The details of R.submit script will be discussed later when we learn HTCondor scripts.

The file mciP.R is a R script that calculates the value of pi using the Monte Carlo method. The essentially loads the R module and runs the mciP.R script.

$ cat
#!/bin/bash # Defines the shell environment.
source /cvmfs/
module load R    # Loads the module 
Rscript  mcpi.R  # Execution of the R script

Similar to the R tutorial, there are other tutorials available on OSG. The available tutorials serve as templates to develop your own scripts and run the calculations on OSG.

Key Points

  • The module command gives access to software located in the OASIS system
  • The tutorial provides access existing tutorials for using various aspects of OSG Connect.