Getting Access to OSG Connect


  • Get an account on OSG
  • Learn about SSH
  • Learn what SSH keys are
  • Generate your own SSH key pair
  • Add your SSH key to an remote server
  • Learn how to use your SSH key

##Getting an account on OSG Connect If you do not yet have an OSG Connect account, please follow the signup instructions here: []

You will need to accept an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in order to use OSG Connect.

Once you have signed up, it takes 15-30 minutes to get your account approved and created.

##Secure Shell Background

Let’s take a closer look at what happens when we use the shell on a desktop or laptop computer. The first step is to log in so that the operating system knows who we are and what we’re allowed to do. We do this by typing our username and password; the operating system checks those values against its records, and if they match, runs a shell for us.

As we type commands, the 1’s and 0’s that represent the characters we’re typing are sent from the keyboard to the shell. The shell displays those characters on the screen to represent what we type, and then, if what we typed was a command, the shell executes it and displays its output (if any).

What if we want to run some commands on another machine, such as the server in the basement that manages our database of experimental results? To do this, we have to first log in to that machine. We call this a remote login, and the other computer a remote computer. Once we do this, everything we type is passed to a shell running on the remote computer. That shell runs those commands on our behalf, just as a local shell would, then sends back output for our computer to display.

Once we’ve logged in remotely, our local terminal is doing nothing for us except sending input to the remote server, and displaying output on its behalf. It’s just a “tunnel” that information passes through.

The tool we use to log in remotely is secure shell, or SSH. We can run the ssh program with the command ssh username@computer – replacing username with your username and computer with the remote computer’s name!

After we log in, we can use the remote shell to use the remote computer’s files and directories. Typing exit or Control-D (the special “End of File” command) terminates the remote shell and returns us to our previous shell.

Using Secure Shell with OSG Connect

Let’s remind ourselves how to see where we are in a filesystem and what our name is on the system.

On a Mac, you will probably see somthing like this: ~~~ $ whoami ~~~

$ pwd

On Linux, you’d likely see /home instead of /Users, and on Windows something like C:\Users\me.

Now we’ll use SSH to talk to the OSG Connect server. You’ll need to replace “username” with the username that you created when you signed up for OSG Connect:

$ ssh
Password: ********
              *** Unauthorized use/access is prohibited. ***

If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and
concurrence with the OSG Acceptable Use Policy; see

[username@login01 ~]$
$ hostname
$ pwd


Secure shell is called “secure” to contrast it with an older program called rsh, which stood for “remote shell”. Back in the day, when everyone trusted each other and knew every chip in their computer by its first name, people didn’t encrypt anything except the most sensitive information when sending it over a network. However, that meant that villains could watch network traffic, steal usernames and passwords, and use them for all manner of nefarious purposes. SSH was invented to prevent this (or at least slow it down). It uses several sophisticated, and heavily tested, encryption protocols to ensure that outsiders can’t see what’s in the messages going back and forth between different computers.

ssh has a companion program called scp, which stands for “secure copy”. It allows us to copy files to or from a remote computer using the same kind of connection as SSH. The command’s name combines cp’s and ssh’s, and so does its operation. To copy a file, we specify the source and destination paths, either of which may include computer names. If we leave out a computer name, scp assumes we mean the machine we’re running on.

Let’s re-use a file from previous lessons and send it to OSG Connect. Create the file mars.txt that contains the following (hint: use nano):

Cold and dry, but everything is my favorite color
The two moons may be a problem for Wolfman
But the Mummy will appreciate the lack of humidity

Now that we’ve created this file, we’ll copy it to OSG Connect:

$ scp mars.txt
Password: ********
mars.txt              100%  4  1.0 MB/s 00:00

Copying a whole directory is similar: we just use the -r option to signal that we want copying to be recursive.

For this example, we’ll use the ‘filesystem’ directory we worked with in the previous lessons and transfer it to OSG Connect. Note that the ~/Downloads/filesystem part will need to be changed to wherever you downloaded yesterday’s material to.

$ scp -r ~/Downloads/filesystem
Password: ********
access.log                                    100%   18     0.0KB/s   00:00
backup.log                                    100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00
hardware.cfg                                  100%   23     0.0KB/s   00:00
network.cfg                                   100%   12     0.0KB/s   00:00
backup.log                                    100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

Here’s one more thing SSH can do for us. Suppose we want to check and see that the “filesystem” directory was transferred over. SSH can do that for us:

$ ssh "ls ~/filesystem"
Password: ********

SSH takes the argument after our remote username and passes them to the shell on the remote computer. (We have to put quotes around it to make it look like a single argument.) Since those arguments are a legal command, the remote shell runs ls results for us and sends the output back to our local shell for display.

SSH Keys

Typing our password over and over again is annoying, especially if the commands we want to run remotely are in a loop. To remove the need to do this, we can create an SSH key to tell the remote machine that it should always trust us.

SSH keys come in pairs, a public key that gets shared with services like GitHub, and a private key that is stored only on your computer. If the keys match, you’re granted access.

The cryptography behind SSH keys ensures that no one can reverse engineer your private key from the public one.

The first step in using SSH authorization is to generate your own key pair.

You might already have an SSH key pair on your machine. You can check to see if one exists by moving to your .ssh directory and listing the contents.

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ls

If you see, you already have a key pair and don’t need to create a new one.

If you don’t see, use the following command to generate a new key pair. Make sure to replace with your own email address.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

When asked where to save the new key, hit enter to accept the default location.

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa):

You will then be asked to provide an optional passphrase. This can be used to make your key even more secure, but if what you want is avoiding type your password every time you can skip it by hitting enter twice.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:

When the key generation is complete, you should see the following confirmation:

Your identification has been saved in /Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/username/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
|                 |
|        . E +    |
|       . o = .   |
|      . S =   o  |
|       o.O . o   |
|       o .+ .    |
|      . o+..     |
|       .+=o      |

The random art image is an alternate way to match keys but we won’t be needing this.

Now you need to send your public key to the server you want to connect. Display the contents of your new public key file with cat:

$ cat ~/.ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA879BJGYlPTLIuc9/R5MYiN4yc/YiCLcdBpSdzgK9Dt0Bkfe3rSz5cPm4wmehdE7GkVFXrBJ2YHqPLuM1yx1AUxIebpwlIl9f/aUHOts9eVnVh4NztPy0iSU/Sv0b2ODQQvcy2vYcujlorscl8JjAgfWsO3W4iGEe6QwBpVomcME8IU35v5VbylM9ORQa6wvZMVrPECBvwItTY8cPWH3MGZiK/74eHbSLKA4PY3gM4GHI450Nie16yggEg2aTQfWA1rry9JYWEoHS9pJ1dnLqZU3k/8OWgqJrilwSoC5rGjgp93iu0H8T6+mEHGRQe84Nk1y5lESSWIbn6P636Bl3uQ==

Copy the contents of the output. Login to the server you want to connect using your SSH keys.

$ ssh
Password: ********

Paste the content that you copy at the end of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

$ nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`.

After append the content, logout of the remote machine and try login again. If you setup your SSH key correctly you won’t need to type your password.

$ exit
$ ssh

Key Points

  • SSH is a secure alternative to username/password authorization
  • SSH keys are generated in public/private pairs. Your public key can be shared with others. The private keys stays on your machine only.