To participate in a Software Carpentry workshop, you will need working copies of the software described below. Please make sure to install everything (or at least to download the installers) before the start of your workshop. Please arrive early if you have any problems and require help from an instructor.
(secure shell) is an encrypted remote login tool. It lets you connect to remote resources, such as the OSG Connect login node and interact with the machine via UNIX shell.
Similarly, scp
(secure copy) is a tool that facilitates encrypted file transfer. We will use both to interact with OSG Connect.
Python is becoming very popular in scientific computing, and it's a great language for teaching general programming concepts due to its easy-to-read syntax. We will be using JupyterHub and iPython Notebook for this workshop. The only required software is a working and up-to-date web browser.
We have setup a Jupyterhub instance at that will be used for the exercises. Login using your training account credentials and go to the swcarpentry directory in the browser. There are notebooks for each lesson (01-numpy.ipynb, 02-func.ipynb, 03-loop.ipynb, 04-cond.ipynb, etc.) that you can open to follow along with the lesson and to do the exercises.
Training accounts will be available for the workshop, but if you are interested in continuing to use OSG we recommend that you create an account which you can keep after the workshop. If you do not already have an account on the Open Science Grid and you would like one, please Sign Up. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete the sign up process and about 30 minutes to get your account activated.
For secure shell (ssh), download PuTTY.
For secure copy (scp), download WinSCP
The tools (ssh, scp, ...) are usually already installed and available on the command line.
The tools (ssh, scp, ...) are usually already installed and available on the command line.
Please be sure to complete these surveys before and after the workshop.