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Large Scale Computation with HTCondor


  • Learn how to submit multiple jobs with a single job description file
  • Learn to efficiently use the Queue command


It is essential to learn how to scale up and control large numbers of jobs to realize the full potential of distributed high throughput computing on the OSG. This requires the ability to submit and process multiple jobs in parallel. Some workloads require these considerations: multi-dimensional Monte Carlo integration using sampling, parameter sweep(s) for a given model, or molecular dynamics simulation with several initial conditions. All of these workloads require submitting more than a handful of jobs.

fig 1

The HTCondor's Queue command can run multiple jobs from a single job description file. In this tutorial, we will see how to scale up the calculations for a simple Python example using the HTCondor’s Queue command.

Once we understand the basic HTCondor script to run a single job, it is easy to scale up.

Obtain the example files via the tutorial command,

$ tutorial ScalingUp-Python
$ cd tutorial-ScalingUp-Python

Inside the tutorial-ScalingUp-Python directory, all the required files are available. This includes the sample Python program, job description file and executable files.

Python script and the objective function

Here, we are going to use a brute force approach to find the minimum of a two dimensional function on a grid of points. Let us take a look at the objective function that we are trying to optimize:

f = (1 - x)**2 + (y - x**2)**2

This is two dimensional Rosenbrock function, which is used to test the robustness of an optimization method.

By default, Python script will randomly select the boundary values of the grid that the optimization procedure will scan over. These values can be overidden by user supplied values.

fig 2

To run the calculation with random boundary values, the script is executed without any argument


To run the calculation with the user-supplied boundary values, the script is executed with input arguments

python x_low x_high y_low y_high

where x_low and x_high are low and high values along x-direction, and y_low and y_high are the low and high values along the y-direction.

For example, to set the boundary in the x-direction as (-3, 3) and the boundary in the y-direction as (-2, 2), run

python -3 3 -2 2

The directory Example1 runs the Python script with the default random values. The directories Example2, Example3 and Example4 deal with supplying the boundary values as input arguments.

Execution Script

Let us take a look at the execution script,


module load python/3.4
module load all-pkgs

python ./  $1 $2 $3 $4

The wrapper loads the the relevant modules and then executes the python script The python script takes four optional arguments.

Submitting set of jobs with single submit file

fig 3

Now let us take a look at job description file

cd Example1
cat ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit

If we want to submit several jobs, we need to track log, out and error files for each job. An easy way to do this is to add the $(Cluster) and $(Process) variables to the file names.

# The UNIVERSE defines an execution environment. You will almost always use VANILLA.
Universe = vanilla

# These are good base requirements for your jobs on the OSG. It is specific on OS and
# OS version, core, and memory, and wants to use the software modules. 
Requirements = OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 6" && TARGET.Arch == "X86_64" && HAS_MODULES == True 
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 1 GB

# executable is the program your job will run It's often useful
# to create a shell script to "wrap" your actual work.
executable = 

# files transferred into the job sandbox
transfer_input_files =

# error and output are the error and output channels from your job
# that HTCondor returns from the remote host.
output = Log/job.out.$(Cluster).$(Process)
error = Log/job.error.$(Cluster).$(Process)

# The log file is where HTCondor places information about your
# job's status, success, and resource consumption.
log = Log/job.log.$(Cluster).$(Process)

# Send the job to Held state on failure. 
on_exit_hold = (ExitBySignal == True) || (ExitCode != 0)  

# Periodically retry the jobs every 60 seconds, up to a maximum of 5 retries. 
# The RANDOM_INTEGER(60, 600, 120) means random integers are generated between 
# 60 and 600 seconds with a step size of 120 seconds. The failed jobs are 
# randomly released with a spread of 1-10 minutes.  Releasing multiple jobs at 
# the same time causes stress for the login node, so the random spread is a 
# good approach to periodically release the failed jobs. 

PeriodicRelease = ( (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > $RANDOM_INTEGER(60, 600, 120) ) && ((NumJobStarts < 5))

# Queue is the "start button" - it launches any jobs that have been
# specified thus far.
queue 10

Note the Queue 10. This tells HTCondor to queue 10 copies of this job under one cluster id.

Let us submit the above job

$ condor_submit ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit
Submitting job(s)..........
10 job(s) submitted to cluster 329837.

Apply your condor_q and connect watch knowledge to see this job progress. After all jobs finished, execute the script to sort the results.


Other ways to use Queue command

Now we will explore other ways to use Queue command. In the previous example, we did not pass any argument to the program and it used randomly-generated boundary conditions. If we have some idea about where the minimum/maximum is, we can supply boundary conditions to the calculation through arguments. In our example, the minimum of the Rosenbrock function is located at (1,1).

Supply multiple arguments via Queue command

fig 4

We can still use a slightly modified version of job description file from the previous example to supply multiple arguments. The modified job description file is available in Example2 directory and take look at the end of job description file ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit:

$ cd ../Example2
$ cat  ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit

#Supply arguments 
arguments = -9 9 -9 9

# Queue is the "start button" - it launches any jobs that have been
# specified thus far.

arguments = -8 8 -8 8

arguments = -8 8 -8 8

A major part of the job description file looks the same as the previous example. The main difference is that the addition of arguments keyword. Each time the queue command appears in the script, the expression(s) before the queue would be added to the job description.

Let us submit the above job

$ condor_submit ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit
Submitting job(s)..........
10 job(s) submitted to cluster 329838.

Apply your condor_q and connect watch knowledge to see this job progress. After all jobs finished, execute the ` script to sort the results.


Variable expansion via Queue command

fig 5

In the above example, we had to type argument and Queue expressions repeatedly. There is a way to implement compact queue expression and expand the arguments for each job. Take a look at the job description file in Example3.

$ cat ../Example3/ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit
Queue arguments from (
-9 9 -9 9 
-8 8 -8 8 
-7 7 -7 7 
-6 6 -6 6 
-5 5 -5 5 
-4 4 -4 4 
-3 3 -3 3 
-2 2 -2 2 
-1 1 -1 1 

Let us submit the above job

$ condor_submit ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit
Submitting job(s)..........
10 job(s) submitted to cluster 329839.

Apply your condor_q and connect watch knowledge to see this job progress. After all jobs finished, execute the ` script to sort the results.


In fact, we could define variables and assign them to HTCondor's expression. This is illustrated in Example4.

$ cd Example4
$ cat ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit

arguments = $(x_low) $(x_high) $(y_low) $(y_high)

# Queue command  
queue x_low x_high y_low y_high from (
-9 9 -9 9 
-8 8 -8 8 
-7 7 -7 7 
-6 6 -6 6 
-5 5 -5 5 
-4 4 -4 4 
-3 3 -3 3 
-2 2 -2 2 
-1 1 -1 1     )

The Queue command defines the variables x_low, x_high, y_low, and y_high. These variables are passed on to the argument command (arguments = $(x_low) $(x_high) $(y_low) $(y_high)).

Let us submit the above job

$ condor_submit ScalingUp-PythonCals.submit
Submitting job(s)..........
10 job(s) submitted to cluster 329840.

Apply your condor_q and connect watch knowledge to see this job progress. After all jobs finished, execute the ` script to sort the results.


Key Points

Key Points

  • Scaling up the computational resources on OSG is crucial to taking full advantage of grid computing.
  • Changing the value of Queue allows the user to scale up the resources.
  • Arguments allows you to pass parameters to a job script.
  • $(Cluster) and $(Process) can be used to name log files uniquely.
  • Check the HTCondor manual to learn more about the Queue command (