Data storage and transfer


  • Discover how to transfer input and output data
  • Learn about StashCache, stashcp
  • Run a StashCache based Blast workload


In this lesson, we will learn the basics of data storage and transfer for DHTC jobs and on OSG Connect.

Introduction to Data Handling for DHTC jobs

Data handling is one of the trickiest parts of effectively using DHTC computing. New users often run into issues in regards to effectively transferring inputs to compute jobs or with getting output back. However, most situations can be broken down into a few basic use cases:

  • Jobs with small inputs and outputs
  • Jobs with large inputs but small outputs
  • Jobs with small inputs but large outputs
  • Jobs with both large inputs and large outputs

We will consider each use case one by one.

What is Big Data?

In this module we use the terms big data, small and large. These are somewhat relative terms. What is considered to be big data on your workstation (e.g. difficult to process due to the size) is different from what is considered big on on the grid, cloud or super computers. Data amounts in the context of OSG is most of the time referring to the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the compute nodes. Large data can be for example a single job accessing 50 GBs or, 100,000 jobs accessing 100 MBs.

Jobs with small inputs or outputs

Jobs without large inputs or outputs are the easiest case to handle. If jobs have inputs and outputs that are smaller than ~1 gigabyte then the builtin HTCondor file transfer mechanims will work to handle transfers to and from the compute node.
Input files can be specified using the transfer_input_files option in your submit file. Likewise output files and directions can be specified using transfer_output_files. Once the input and output files are given to HTCondor, it will automatically transfer the input files to compute nodes when jobs are scheduled to run and then transfer the output after the job completes back to your submit node.

Jobs with large inputs but small outputs

Jobs with large inputs but small outputs are a little harder to handle. Examples of these types of jobs, would be things such as BLAST which does searches for similar DNA sequences. The inputs (DNA reference databases and DNA sequence of interest) can easily be tens or hundreds gigabytes. However, the output (locations of similar sequences and similarity of these sequences) tends to be kilobytes or megabytes in size.

If the majority of the inputs are databases or reference files a possible solution would be to place the input files on a publicly accessible webserver. Then jobs would wget the appropriate files when they start running. Since most OSG sites have a Squid server, this will minimize the network traffic outside of the site running your jobs. If the majority of the input is in reference files that are identical between jobs, then another alternative would be to use a service such as OASIS that will make the reference files available on the majority of OSG sites. Jobs can then access the files as if they are on the compute node and only the files that are accessed will be transferred.

Further down we will introduce another solution: StachCache and stashcp.

Since the output files are small (i.e. < ~1GB), using the transfer_output_files option in your submit file and allowing HTCondor to manage transferring outputs from the compute nodes to the submit node should work without problems.

Jobs with small inputs and large outputs

This use case deals with jobs that generate large outputs from a small set of inputs. For example, a simulation may generate a large data set showing the evolution of a physical system based on a small set of input parameters.

The inputs for this type of jobs can be handled using the HTCondor transfer mechanisms. By using the transfer_input_files option in your submit file, HTCondor will automatically handle transferring inputs to compute nodes when your job runs.

The outputs for this type of job are more difficult to handle. Solutions may range from compressing the outputs to generate smaller, more manageable files to setting up or utilizing a service like gridftp to copy files back to your login node or a storage system for later retrieval. Regardless, it is probably best to talk to us so that we can come up with the best solution for your transfer needs.

Jobs with both large inputs and large outputs

This use case is essentially just a combination of the prior two use cases. As such, inputs can be handled using a web server or OASIS and transferring outputs will probably need some discussion with us to determine the best solution.

Guidelines for Data Storage

  Recommended Limit Purpose Network mounted Backed Up Quota Purge Details
home < 20 GB Meant for quick data access and not for submitting jobs. Yes Yes 20 GB No Data Storage
local-scratch < 25 GB Meant for large temporary storage and I/O for your jobs. Files older than 30 days are automatically removed. No No No Yes, 30 days Data Storage
stash N/A Meant for large storage and I/O for your jobs. Yes No No no Data Storage
public N/A Meant for sharing data and transfer input data via HTTP or staschcp Yes No No No Data Storage

Exploring the Stash system

First, we'll look at accessing Stash from the login node. You'll need to log in to OSG Connect:

ssh #Connect to the login node with your username
passwd:       # your password

Once done, you can change to the stash directory in your home area:

$ cd ~/stash

This directory is an area on Stash that you can use to store files and directories. It functions just like any other UNIX directory although it has additional functions that we'll go over shortly.

For future use, let's create a file in the public part of Stash:

$ cd ~/stash/public/
$ echo "Hello world" > my_hello_world.txt

In addition, let's create a directory as well for future use:

$ mkdir my_directory

One way of accessing this data is over HTTP. Open a web browser and go to the URL:

Transferring files to and from Stash using SCP

We can transfer files to Stash using scp. Scp is a counterpart to ssh that allows for secure, encrypted file transfers between systems using your ssh credentials.

To transfer a file from Stash using scp, you'll need to run scp with the source and destination. Files on remote systems are indicated using user@machine:/path/to/file . Let's copy the file we just created from Stash to our local system:

$ scp .

As you can see, scp uses similar syntax to the cp command that you were shown previously. To copy directories using scp, you'll just pass the -r option to it. E.g:

$ scp -r .


  • Create a directory with a file called hello_world_2 in the ~/stash/public directory and copy it from Stash to your local system.
  • Create a directory called hello_world_3 on your local system and copy it to the stash directory.

Stash, staschp and stashcache

StashCache is a data service for OSG which transparently caches data near compute sites for faster delivery to active grid jobs. The standard practice of using HTCondor file transfer or http to move data files to grid sites can be inefficient for certain workflows. StashCache uses a distributed network filesystem (based on XRootD proxy caching) which provides an alternative method for transferring input files to compute sites. It is implemented through a handful of strategically-distributed sites which provide caching of the input data files.

When to use StashCache

StashCache typically outperforms other methods in the following cases:

  • Jobs require large data files (> 500 MB)
  • The same data files are used repeatedly for many separate jobs

How to use StashCache

1) Include the following line in the job's submit script to indicate that StashCache is required:

+WantsStashCache = true

2) Use the 'stashcp' command-line tool in the job wrapper script to transfer necessary data files to the compute host.

First load the stashcp module:

$ module load stashcp

Then transfer your data:

$ cd $HOME
$ stashcp /user/<username>/public/my_hello_world.txt $HOME/

StashCache Blast

This tutorial will use a BLAST workflow to demonstrate the functionality of StashCache for transferring input files to active job sites. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is an open-source bioinformatics tool developed by the NCBI that searches for alignments between query sequences and a genetic database.

The input files for a BLAST job include:

  • one or more query files
  • genetic database file
  • database index files

In this exercise, the database is contained in a single 1.3 GB file, and the query is divided into 2 files of approximately 7.5 MB each (small enough to use the HTCondor file transfer mechanism). Each query must be compared to the database file using BLAST, so 2 jobs are needed in this workflow. If BLAST jobs have an excessively long run time, the query files can be further subdivided into smaller segments.

Usually, the database files used with BLAST are quite large. Due to its size (1.3 GB) and the fact that it is used for multiple jobs, the database file and corresponding index files will be transferred to the compute sites using StashCache, which takes advantage of proxy caching to improve transfer speed and efficiency. Learn more about StashCache and basic usage instructions here.

$ tutorial stashcache-blast
$ cd tutorial-stashcache-blast

The tutorial-stashcache-blast directory contains a number of files, described below:

  • HTCondor submit script: blast.submit
  • Job wrapper script:
  • Query files: query_0.fa query_1.fa

In addition to these files, the following input files are needed for the jobs:

  • database file: nt.fa
  • database index files: nt.fa.nhr nt.fa.nin nt.fa.nsq

These files are currently being stored in /stash/user/eharstad/public/blast_database_old/.

The first example we will explore will be using the stashcp command to fetch the Blast databases. Change directory into the stashcp sub-directory:

$ cd stashcp

In there you will find the query files, the wrapper and submit script. The wrapper is the most interesting part:

$ cat 

module load stashcp
module load blast

set -e

stashcp /user/eharstad/public/blast_database_old/nt.fa .
stashcp /user/eharstad/public/blast_database_old/nt.fa.nhr .
stashcp /user/eharstad/public/blast_database_old/nt.fa.nin .
stashcp /user/eharstad/public/blast_database_old/nt.fa.nsq .


Note how we module load stashcp and then use the stashcp command to download the database. The downloads are being cached at different levels in the infrastructure and is a very efficient way of accessing data repeatedly.

You may submit the workload and examine the output files when the jobs are done.

An alternative way of accessing public stash data is using /cvmfs/ Data is picked up from your public directory and made available on CVMFS automatically, but it might take a little bit time for the data to appear. This is a good solution for static data, and POSIX-like reads (including partial reads).

Let's take a look at the HTCondor job submission script:

$ cat blast.submit
universe = vanilla

executable =
arguments  = blastn -db /cvmfs/ -query $(queryfile)
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = $(queryfile)

requirements = OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 6" && Arch == "X86_64" && HAS_MODULES == True && HAS_CVMFS_stash_osgstorage_org == True

output = job.out.$(Cluster).$(Process)
error = job.err.$(Cluster).$(Process)
log = job.log.$(Cluster).$(Process)

# For each file matching query*.fa, submit a job
queue queryfile matching query*.fa

The executable for this job is a wrapper script,, that takes as arguments the blast command that we want to run on the compute host. We specify which query file we want transferred (using HTCondor) to each job site with the transfer_input_files command.

Finally, since there are multiple query files, we submit them with the command queue queryfile matching query*.fa command. Because we have used the $(queryfile) macro in the name of the query input files, only one query file will be transferred to each job.

Now, let's take a look at the job wrapper script which is the job's executable:

$ cat

module load blast

set -e


The wrapper script loads the blast modules so that it can access the Blast software on the compute host.

You are now ready to submit the jobs:

$ condor_submit blast.submit

Each job should run for approximately 3-5 minutes. You can monitor the jobs with the condor_q command:

$ condor_q <username>


  • Why is transfer_output_files = "" important in the stashcp example submit file? What happens if you leave it out? (Hint: ls in the submit directory after the jobs are done)

Key Points

  • Data can be transferred in and out of Stash using scp and Globus Online

  • stashcache (stashcp and /cvmfs) provides efficient access to input data during job execution