Creating Workshop Specific Repository

Welcome OSG team. The current page provides guidelines to set up a the documentation and the web-page for the software carpentry workshop. All our documentations for the workshop are hosted at github under the organization SWC-OSG-Workshop . In particular, the repository contains materials common for all the upcoming or planned future workshops. The materials include the lessons and the content for the front page of the workshop. We will copy general repo for each new workshop and tweek the materials.

New Repo for a New Workshop

As soon as the workshop date is finalized, create a repo by the name "YYYY-MM-DD", where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the date of the workshop. The generated repository needs to have the course material and web content for a workshop. Since we have all the materials under the general repo, we copy the course material and web content from the general repo. In your local Desktop or Laptop, type the followings

To create the front page for the workshop, follow the steps outlined in the file located at the gh-pages branch of the newly created YYYY-MM-DD repository.